Get Involved

With the demand for INJAZ Yemen far greater than we are currently able to provide, we have developed a strategic plan that strives to dramatically increase the number of classrooms every year. But we can’t do it without your help. Program localization and implementation, recruitment of volunteers, special events, internships, and other student-focused initiatives are just some of the areas that will improve immensely with your generosity. By getting involved, you will be investing in the future of the youth in Bahrain. Your support is crucial in advancing INJAZ Yemen’s mission to reach every youth in Yemen. Help INJAZ Yemen reach more students. Donate today.

A want versus a need. How to balance a checkbook. Don’t you wish that someone had taught you those things as you were growing up? Now there is someone. YOU. All we need is your enthusiasm, life experience, and a willingness to teach children about how you took chances and shot for the stars. INJAZ Yemen provides the training, curriculum, and a classroom ready to meet you.

Sign up to volunteer today! You’ll next be contacted by INJAZ Yemen office to set up a training session and supply you with the necessary classroom material.

If you are an educator who wants to offer your students real-life exposure to the workplace and new learning opportunities, collaborate with us to bring INJAZ Yemen programs to your school/university. Our programs focus on work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy and are delivered by corporate volunteers free of charge. Students learn about business innovation, explore leadership skills and discuss career opportunities through hands on classroom-based activities. These relevant skills help inspire a culture of success and entrepreneurialism at an early age that impact youths’ educational achievements in the short-term and professional success in the longer term. If you would like to bring INJAZ Yemen programs to your school or university, please contact us.

The internship opportunity is initiated with the aim of exposing the INJAZ Yemen students to the functions of various work areas while showing students the correlation between what they have learnt in INJAZ Yemen programs and the real world of work. Take the opportunity to learn more. Be an Intern.

INJAZ Yemen welcomes your involvement and continued support. The need for volunteers who are willing to share their time and experience with the next generation of leaders is greater today than it ever was before. As a volunteer, you will deliver relevant, hands-on experiences that give students from primary level through secondary school an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship. And just like you, today’s INJAZ Yemen students will learn to make a connection between what they learn in school and how it can be applied in the real world.

How can you help? As a start, reacquaint yourself with INJAZ Yemen. And then consider volunteering in support of a program or as a classroom volunteer. However you choose .