About us

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  1. Who We Are

    INJAZ Yemen partners with leading organizations in
    the private sector to equip young people in Yemen to drive the economy of
    the country forward through mentoring and training designed to inspire them
    to develop ambition, entrepreneurship, and professional skills.

    Founded in 2009, INJAZ Yemen brings various
    capacity building courses to classrooms in public schools and universities
    throughout the country, enhancing students’ leadership as well as business,
    entrepreneurial, problem-solving, communication, and 21st century skills.
    Courses focus on interaction, real-life experience, and teamwork as key
    factors in the learning process.

    INJAZ is unique in the sense that it emphasizes
    the importance of education and career initiatives to young Arabs, providing
    equal opportunities to them regardless of gender, background, or social

    In parallel, it fosters among business leaders a
    responsibility for investing their resources in the future of the region’s
    youth and becoming agent for the changes they wish to see in the world by
    mentoring and providing opportunities for young people to rise to their true

    INJAZ Yemen is a member of INJAZ Al-Arab and
    Junior Achievement Worldwide.

    إنجاز اليمن:

    تعمل إنجازاليمن بالشركه مع المنظمات الرائدة في
    القطاع الخاص لتهيئة الشباب في اليمن لدفع اقتصاد البلد إلى الأمام من خلال
    التوجيه والتدريب وتهدف إلى حثهم على تطوير الطموح وروح المبادرة، والمهارات

    تأسست إنجاز اليمن في عام 2009،

    تعمل إنجاز اليمن على جلب مختلف الدورات الى الفصول
    الدراسيه في المدارس العامة والجامعات في جميع أنحاء البلاد، وتعزيز مبداء
    القيادة لدى الطلاب وكذلك الأعمال التجارية، الأعمال الحرة، وحل مشاكل الاتصال،
    الاقتصاد ومهارات للقرن 21. كما تقدم دورات تركز على التفاعل والخبرة من واقع
    الحياة، والعمل الجماعي والعديد من العوامل الرئيسية في عملية التعلم.

    تعتبرإنجازاليمن فريدة من نوعها حيث انها تأكد على
    المبادره وتحمل مسؤلية تعليم الشباب ، وتوفير فرص متكافئة لهم بغض النظر عن
    الجنس، أو الخلفية الثقافية ، أو المركز الاجتماعي.

    وتعزز بين رجال الأعمال حس المسؤولية باستثمار
    الموارد المستقبليه المتمثله في شباب المنطقة ليكونو وكلاء للتغييرات الى
    الافضل وذالك من خلال التوجيه وتوفير فرص للشباب للارتقاء إلى إمكاناتهم

    إنجاز اليمن هي عضو في مؤسسة إنجاز العرب و المؤسسة
    العالميه Junior Achievement Worldwide .


    Our vision is to inspire a generation of Yemeni
    youth to use their natural talents, inspirations, passions, and
    determinations to become the business leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.


    To accelerate young people’s ability to contribute
    to the economic development in Yemen

    by connecting them with the business leaders and
    providing them with the skills and mindset to succeed

    in the global economy.


    Belief in the boundless potential of young people.

    Commitment to the principles of market-based
    economics and entrepreneurship.

    Passion for what we do and honesty, integrity, and
    excellence in how we do it.

    Respect for the talents, creativity, perspectives,
    and backgrounds of all individuals.

    Belief in the power of partnership and

    Conviction in the educational and motivational
    impact of relevant, hands-on learning.

    JA Worldwide:

    JA Worldwide inspires and prepares young people to
    succeed in a global economy. We teach students how to start businesses that
    create jobs. Teach entrepreneurial values that strengthen workplaces. Teach
    skills to generate wealth, and manage it. JAW believes in the boundless
    potential of young people. JAW share their passion for excellence, respect
    their talents and creativity, celebrate their honesty and integrity, harness
    their desire for collaboration, and create opportunities for hands-on